2016 Scholarship Recipient

Congratulations Laila Noujaim!

This wonderful young lady is the recipient of the $1000.00 Olivia Jollota Memorial Trust Scholarship and we could not be more pleased!!!

Laila’s essay embodied exactly what we were looking for in an entry.  She was thoughtful, insightful and truly captured Olivia’s spirit of acceptance and forgiveness with her activities during her three years at Prince Andrew High School.  She no doubt made her school and community a better place for having her in it.

Best of luck to you Laila as you embark on the next part of your life’s journey at Dalhousie University knowing Olivia is with you every step of the way.  She most definitely has your back ♥

2017 Scholarship Recipients 

Congratulations goes to Hailey Brien and Victoria Levangie of Prince Andrew High School 🎓

Hailey and Victoria are the lucky recipients of $1000.00 post-secondary scholarships in memory of Olivia 💜

Olivia loved school!  She had big goals and dreams for her future. We are so pleased other students will get to reach theirs through Olivia’s generous spirit of helping others. 

Good luck in all your future endeavours Hailey and Victoria. May all your dreams come true!