Back-to-school Supplies Donation for 2017

This is what school supplies for 15 high school aged student looks like!

We will be dropping off all these supplies to MLA for Dartmouth East, Tim Halman’s office today where they will be given to students in need of a little extra help to get ready for the 2017-2018 school year.

Thanks to all the people who donate money, attend our fundraising events and purchase Olivia’s Signature Tree items we are able to donate these supplies in memory of Olivia, who loved school and back-to-school shopping 🛒

We are so honoured to continue to help Olivia do “great things!”

2017 Back-to-school Weighted Blanket Raffle

Courtnee’s Weighted Blankets has another blanket raffle happening right now!!! See below for details:

Draw date: September 1, 2017.

Tickets cost: $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00.

Please contact: to e-transfer ticket money

Olivia loved school. So, for the past two years Olivia’s Trust has donated school supplies for families who do not have the means. With Courtnee’s generous weighted blanket raffle we will be able to donate even more school supplies this year!!!

All proceeds will come to Olivia’s Trust, just in time for our 3rd Annual Back-To-School Supply Donation.

Thank you Courtnee Estabrooks for your continued kindness and unwavering support ♥