Compassion and Kindness Celebrates Olivia Day!

October 23 will be Olivia’s 20th birthday!!!  In honour of her birthday and how much she enjoyed helping others we are once again holding our Annual Compassion and Kindness Celebrates Olivia Day!

Wherever you are in the world, at any point on October 23 (or the days leading up to the Sunday) please take the time to commit an random act of kindness for another person, group or organization in Olivia’s memory. Post on here what you plan to do or did that day so others can see the compassion and kindness spread in memory of a wonderful young lady ♥

Your act of kindness and compassion can be a simple as holding the door for someone or buying the next person in line their coffee to making a donation to a local organization. Whatever you come up with will be fantastic!!!

For more information or to post about and share our event please “Like” our page on Face Book (Olivia Jollota Memorial Trust) and click on the event for details.

Olivia Jazz Hands

(Who can resist this face?)